Flushing PumpOFP-2

The OFP-2 is a powerful but controllable pump that can irrigate fluid via either the instrument or auxiliary water channels of endoscopes. This allows the washing of gastric and colonic mucosa during procedures, to give improved images. It can also rapidly fill organs with fluid, allowing endoscopic ultrasound. The OFP-2 is a powerful but controllable irrigation pump that can provide fluid via the instrument channel or the auxiliary water channel of an endoscope. Powerful, controlled flow rates allow the flushing and cleaning of gastric and colonic mucosa, resulting in improved visualisation, diagnosis and therapy during endoscopy. The OFP-2 may also be used to rapidly fill organs with fluid for endoscopic ultrasound procedures. It has a number of built-in safety features, such as the prevention of overpressuring or insufflation, and can be controlled via remote control or a foot pump.
