Rhino-Laryngo FiberscopesENF-XP

The ultra-slim 2.2 mm insertion tube diameter and wide angulation range (130° up and down), plus high resolution optics and brightness, make the ENF-XP rhino-laryngo fiberscope the optimal choice for observing narrow upper airway passages in adults and children. Featuring an ultra-slim insertion tube diameter of 2.2 mm, as well as high resolution optics and brightness, the new Olympus ENF-XP is optimally suited for observing narrow upper airway passages. It also makes observation of adult paranasal sinuses easier than ever, while its angulation range of 130° up and down enables easy and effective insertion maneuverability. For minimally invasive insertion and clear, reliable observation, depend on the ENF-XP rhino-laryngofiberscope for transnasal laryngoscopy- /vocal cord- / pharynx- and sinus procedures in adults and paediatrics.
