Tracheal Intubasion FiberscopeLF-GP/DP/TP

The LF-GP/DP/TP are portable fiberecopes for use in a variety of settings, and are ideal for emergency procedures where intubation of the trachea is required. The latest LED technology delivers unprecedented white light with excellent colour reproduction. The LF-GP/DP/TP are portable fiberscopes for use in a variety of settings, and are suitable for difficult intubations and where a portable intubation is needed, e.g. in emergencies, intensive care units, mobile/home visits. The EndoLED, which can be attached to the fiberscope, combines the latest LED technology delivering unprecedented white light with excellent colour reproduction. Whatever your intubation requirements, Olympus's versatile range of PortaView-LF scopes will meet your needs.
